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Local Church Governance and Committees (2024):

Additional information on Committee Roles and Responsibilities may be found at the cited paragraph (¶):

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Church Council (Formerly the Governing Board):

Current Chair - David Berg                   704-641-4522

¶ 343. THE CHURCH COUNCIL. The church council, or its equivalent governing body, shall provide for planning and

implementing a ministry of evangelizing and spreading scriptural holiness through nurture, outreach, witness, and

resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It

shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church. The church council

shall be amenable to and function as the administrative agency of the charge conference.

Staff-Parish Relations:

Current Chair - Rita Howard                     704-460-3053

¶ 344. PASTOR-PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE. 1. As the charge conference determines, there may be elected

annually by that conference a Pastor-Parish Relations Committee or its equivalent composed of professing

members of the local church or charge, or the committee’s responsibilities may be assigned to a different group.

Where the church employs additional program staff beyond the pastor in charge, the committee may be

structured as the Staff-Parish Relations Committee, with the same responsibilities. People serving on this

committee must be engaged in and attentive to their Christian spiritual development to give proper leadership in

the committee’s responsibilities

Nominations and Leadership Development:

Current Chair - Reverend Dr. Barry Drum                     704-827-4855

¶ 345. The pastor shall be the chairperson. A layperson elected by the committee shall serve as the vice

chairperson of the committee. The Nominations and Leadership Development Committee shall serve

throughout the year to guide the church council on maters regarding the leadership (other than employed staff) of

the congregation, so as to focus on mission and ministry as the context for service; guide the development and

training of spiritual leaders; recruit, nurture, and support spiritual leaders; and assist the church council in

assessing changing leadership needs.


Current Chair - Karen Hefner                        704-301-4716

¶ 346. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Unless otherwise provided for in the governance structure of a local church, within

each congregation of the Global Methodist Church there shall be a Board of Trustees, consisting of at least five

professing members of the church representing the gender, race, and age of the congregation, provided that all

members shall be of legal age as determined by the relevant and controlling civil law. The pastor of the

congregation(s) shall be a member with voice but without vote of the Board of Trustees and may not be counted

for the purpose of achieving a quorum or calculating a majority.


Current Chair - Melanie Abernathy                      704-913-4126

¶ 347. FINANCE COMMITTEE. As the charge conference determines, there may be elected annually by that

conference a Finance Committee or its equivalent composed of the committee chairperson, the pastor(s), a lay

member of the annual conference, the chairperson of the church council, the chairperson or designee of the

Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, a representative of the Board of Trustees to be selected by that board, the

chairperson of the ministry group on stewardship (if any), the lay leader, the financial secretary, the treasurer, the

church business administrator (if any), and other members to be added as the charge conference may determine.

Worship Committee: 

Current Contact - Steve or Carol Painter           

The Worship Committee members work together to present worship services and activities at First Methodist Church that are designed to honor God and to deliver the Word of God. 

This includes seasonal decorations and flowers, music presentations, serving communion, offering collections, youth services and activities, audio/visual presentations on the internet and at the church; anything that may fall within the purview of worship activities.


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